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  LCCC Mission
2025 1/11-1/28 印度宣教之旅 - Lily姊妹分享, 开始与1:45:45



Lord Jesus gave us the great commission to share the gospel with all nations. We believe God has a special purpose for establishing LCCC in Lexington. We believe God has given us a special mission to witness and share the gospel good news with the "Lexington Chinese Community." Hence; as a team we endeavor to encourage, exalt and help brothers and sisters to become a witness and messenger of the gospel of Jesus. We plan, organize, carry out all the church's evangelical out reach activities and programs; such as evangelical crusades, new student welcome party, seekers class and discussion groups, provide cell group with reach out training materials and recreational fellowship gatherings (ball game, picnic) Etc. With the help of God, the power and leading of the holy spirit, we believe LCCC will be fruitful and Gods name glorified.

主耶稣给了我们伟大的使命,让我们与万民分享福音。 我们相信上帝在列克星敦建立 LCCC 有特殊目的。 我们相信上帝赋予我们特殊的使命,与“列克星敦华人社区”见证并分享福音好消息。 因此, 作为一个团队,我们努力鼓励、提升和帮助兄弟姐妹成为耶稣福音的见证人和使者。 我们计划、组织、执行教会所有的福音派外展活动和计划,如福音布道会、新生迎新晚会、慕道班及讨论小组、为小组提供外展训练材料及联谊联谊聚会(球赛、野餐)等。借着神的帮助、圣灵的能力与带领 ,我们相信LCCC会硕果累累,神的名会得到荣耀。